templates/front/theme1/page_activite.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends "front/"~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~"/base.html.twig" %}
  2. {% block stylesheets %}
  3.       {{parent()}}
  4. {% endblock %}
  5. {% block body %}
  6.          <div class="page_cms page_activite pt-5">
  7.                 <div class="breadcrumb-style-default">
  8.                     <div class="container">
  9.                         <div class="row">
  10.                             <div class="col-lg-12">
  11.                                 <div class="inner text-center">
  12.                                     {% if breadcrumb is defined and breadcrumb is not empty %}
  13.                                         {{ include ('front/'~ app.request.server.get('APP_THEME') ~'/partials/breadcrumb.html.twig')}}
  14.                                         <h1 class="page-title">{{titre_activite}}</h1>
  15.                                     {% endif %}
  16.                                 </div>
  17.                             </div>
  18.                         </div>
  19.                     </div>
  20.                 </div>
  21.                 <div id="bloc-principal" class="container-fluid wrapper">
  22.                     <div class="row">
  23.                         <div class="col-sm-12">
  24.                             <div class="my-4 text-page-ref">
  25.                                 {% if activite.image and activite.image is not empty  %}
  26.                                     <div class="container-img">
  27.                                        <img class="lazyload img-fluid principal-img " data-srcset="{{asset_image(activite.image)}}" src="{{asset_image(activite.image)}}" alt="{{activite.titreactivite}}" />
  28.                                     </div>
  29.                                 {% endif %}
  30.                                 <div>
  31.                                     <div ><h2>{{titre}}</h2></div>
  32.                                     {% if texte is not empty and texte != " " %}
  33.                                         <div class=""> {{texte|raw}} </div>
  34.                                     {% endif %}
  35.                                 </div>
  36.                             </div>
  37.                         </div>
  38.                     </div>
  39.                 </div>
  40.                 <div class="bg-pages-ref">
  41.                     {% if ref_pages is defined and ref_pages is not empty %}
  42.                         <section id="bloc-refs" class="page-ref">
  43.                                 <div class="container-fluid  mt-3">
  44.                                     <div class="row gx-5 py-2">
  45.                                         <div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
  46.                                             <h2 class="sub-title wow">{{parametreRef.titreblocautreprestation|default('')}} {{titre}}</h2>
  47.                                         </div>
  48.                                         <div class="col-sm-12">
  49.                                             <div class="list_blocs pos1">
  50.                                                 <div class="blocs">
  51.                                                     <section class="results dynam-affichage affichage1 type_affiche3 ">
  52.                                                         {% for item in ref_pages %}
  53.                                                             {% set duree = 0.1 %}
  54.                                                             {% set image_item = item.image != null? asset_image(item.image):'uploads/images/' ~ parametre.imagevide %}
  55.                                                             <div class="article wow zoomIn animated" data-wow-delay="{{duree}}s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 0.1s; animation-name: zoomIn;">
  56.                                                                 <span class="article-image lazyloaded"  style="background-image: url({{image_item}}); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;"> </span>                 
  57.                                                                 <span class="article-cnt">
  58.                                                                     <a class="article-titre" href="{{path('page',{slug:item.slug})}}" title="" >{{item.title}}</a>
  59.                                                                     <span class="article-txt">
  60.                                                                         {% if item.summary is not empty %}
  61.                                                                             {{item.summary|raw}}
  62.                                                                         {% else %}
  63.                                                                             {{cutText(item.content)|raw}}
  64.                                                                         {% endif %}
  65.                                                                     </span>
  67.                                                                     <span class="article-bts">
  68.                                                                         <button class="article-plus btn-fade" onclick="window.open('{{path('page',{slug:item.slug})}}', '_self');" title="En savoir plus">En savoir plus</button>
  69.                                                                     </span>
  71.                                                                 </span>
  72.                                                             </div>
  73.                                                             {% set duree = duree + 0.2 %}
  74.                                                         {% endfor %}
  75.                                                     </section>
  76.                                                 </div>
  77.                                             </div>
  78.                                         </div>
  79.                                     </div>
  80.                                 </div>
  81.                         </section>
  82.                     {% endif %}
  83.                     {% if actualites is defined and actualites is not empty %}
  84.                         <section id="bloc-sous-activites" class="page-ref">
  85.                                 <div class="container-fluid  mt-3">
  86.                                     <div class="row gx-5 py-2">
  87.                                         <div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
  88.                                             <h2 class="sub-title wow">{{parametreRef.titreblocactualite|default('')}}</h2>
  89.                                         </div>
  90.                                         <div class="col-sm-12">
  91.                                             <div class="list_blocs pos1">
  92.                                                 <div class="blocs">
  93.                                                     <section class="results dynam-affichage affichage1 type_affiche3 ">
  94.                                                         {% for item in actualites %}
  95.                                                             {% set duree = 0.1 %}
  96.                                                             {% set image_item = item.image != null? asset_image(item.image):'uploads/images/' ~ parametre.imagevide %}
  97.                                                             <div class="article wow zoomIn animated" data-wow-delay="{{duree}}s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 0.1s; animation-name: zoomIn;">
  98.                                                                 <span class="article-image lazyloaded"  style="background-image: url({{image_item}}); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;"> </span>                 
  99.                                                                 <span class="article-cnt">
  100.                                                                     <a class="article-titre" href="{{path('page',{slug:item.slug})}}" title="" >{{item.title}}</a>
  101.                                                                     <span class="article-txt">
  102.                                                                         {% if item.summary is not empty %}
  103.                                                                             {{item.summary|raw}}
  104.                                                                         {% else %}
  105.                                                                             {{cutText(item.content)|raw}}
  106.                                                                         {% endif %}
  107.                                                                     </span>
  108.                                                                     <span class="article-bts">
  109.                                                                         <button class="article-plus btn-fade" onclick="window.open('{{path('page',{slug:item.slug})}}', '_self');" title="En savoir plus">En savoir plus</button>
  110.                                                                     </span>
  111.                                                                 </span>
  112.                                                             </div>
  113.                                                             {% set duree = duree + 0.2 %}
  114.                                                         {% endfor %}
  115.                                                     </section>
  116.                                                 </div>
  117.                                             </div>
  118.                                         </div>
  119.                                     </div>
  120.                                 </div>
  121.                         </section>
  122.                     {% endif %}
  123.                     {% if ref_pages_sous_activite is defined and ref_pages_sous_activite is not empty %}
  124.                         <section id="bloc-actualites" class="page-ref">
  125.                             <div class="container-fluid  mt-3">
  126.                                 <div class="row gx-5 py-2">
  127.                                     <div class="col-sm-12 text-center">
  128.                                         <h2 class="sub-title wow">Sous activités liées </h2>
  129.                                     </div>
  130.                                     <div class="col-sm-12">
  131.                                         <div class="list_blocs pos1">
  132.                                             <div class="blocs">
  133.                                                 <section class="results dynam-affichage affichage1 type_affiche3 ">
  134.                                                     {% for item in ref_pages_sous_activite %}
  135.                                                         {% set duree = 0.1 %}
  136.                                                         {% set image_item = item.image != null? asset_image(item.image):'uploads/images/' ~ parametre.imagevide %}
  137.                                                         <div class="article wow zoomIn animated" data-wow-delay="{{duree}}s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 0.1s; animation-name: zoomIn;">
  138.                                                             <span class="article-image lazyloaded" style="background-image: url({{image_item}}); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;"> </span>                 
  139.                                                             <span class="article-cnt">
  140.                                                                 <a class="article-titre" href="{{path('page',{slug:item.slug})}}" title="" >{{item.titre}}</a>
  141.                                                                 <span class="article-txt">
  142.                                                                     {{cutText(item.content)|raw}}
  143.                                                                 </span>
  144.                                                                 <span class="article-bts">
  145.                                                                     <button class="article-plus btn-fade" onclick="window.open('{{path('page',{slug:item.slug})}}', '_self');" title="En savoir plus">En savoir plus</button>
  146.                                                                 </span>
  147.                                                             </span>
  148.                                                         </div>
  149.                                                         {% set duree = duree + 0.2 %}
  150.                                                     {% endfor %}
  151.                                                 </section>
  152.                                             </div>
  153.                                         </div>
  154.                                     </div>
  155.                                 </div>
  156.                             </div>
  157.                         </section>
  158.                     {% endif %}
  159.                 </div>
  160.          </div> 
  161. {% endblock %}